I am NOT a security expert. I’m also not an IT guy, a networking guy, or any sort of hacker. However, I know enough about the Internet to keep myself relatively safe when navigating around, using sites, and spending money online. And I’m absolutely appalled at the risks people take when online: what they’ll click on, what they’ll believe, and who they’ll trust, simply because they don’t know any better.
I often explain these types of things to friends & family when they run into sticky situations. But I figured that this information might be able to benefit others around the world, so I periodically put up articles about Internet Safety. To this point, I haven’t collected them in one place, so I thought I’d do that for easier reference. I hope you can find these useful.
Stay safe, my friends!
Stuff on Passwords
- Your Passwords Suck, Part 1: The Whole World has Gone Crazy
- Your Passwords Suck, Part 2: How Passwords are Stored and Hacked
- Your Passwords Suck, Part 3: If You Can’t Beat ‘Em, Tire ‘Em Out
- Show Me How: Make Great Passwords
- How Do I Manage All These Freaking Passwords?
Hacking and other OnlineĀ Maleficence
- Gone Phishing: The Catch of the Day Is You
- Hacking Types: Man in the Middle (MITM)
- Don’t Click that Link: There’s Evil on the Other Side