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I’m Now on Facebook

Visit me on Facebook at the Fingers Were Meant to be Inky Page

I’m not a big Facebook user, primarily because they refuse to notify me ONLY when someone tags/mentions me or posts to my wall. I got tired of wading through pictures of people’s lunch and reading vague and cryptic “some people” complaints. If they’re going to notify me of everything, then I don’t have the time for it.

That said, I know that’s where the majority of people hang out and where they look to share content and engage with each other. So I finally got around to making a Facebook page specifically for posting my reviews and posts related to fountain pens, ink, and paper. I’ll be posting all my old reviews, new reviews, and other fun stuff.

So if you use Facebook, be sure to stop by to say hello or to follow me there. Thanks!

Fingers Were Meant to be Inky on Facebook!

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